Американская военная машина. Глубинная политика, глобальная связь ЦРУ с наркотиками и путь в Афганистан - Peter Dale Scott
34. Financial Times, December 11, 2003. Cf. Mother Jones, March/April 2004: “More recently, Bush scored a $60,000-a-year consulting deal from a top adviser to New Bridge Strategies, the firm set up by George W.’s ex-campaign manager to ‘take advantage of business opportunities’ in postwar Iraq. His job description: taking calls for three hours a week.”
35. Tim Shorrock, Spies for Hire: The Secret World of Intelligence Outsourcing (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2008), 40, 41.
36. Two Booz Allen officers were also beneficiaries of the Paradise Island Bridge Company in Nassau, along with James Crosby of Resorts International, a company supplying the CIA with cover for its connections to the covert world of Paul Helliwell and Meyer Lansky (see chapter 7). Richard Nixon also had a financial interest in the Paradise Island Bridge Company (Anthony Summers with Robbyn Swann, The Arrogance of Power: The Secret World of Richard Nixon [New York: Viking, 2000], 244–45).
37. Shorrock, Spies for Hire, 43, citing Information Week, February 25, 2002. In 2008, Booz Allen Hamilton split into two companies: Booz Allen Hamilton, now majority owned by private equity firm The Carlyle Group, handles the government business, while Booz & Company, with the commercial contracts, is owned and operated as a partnership.
38. Shorrock, Spies for Hire, 51.
39. Elizabeth Brown, “Outsourcing the Defense Budget: Defense Contractors Are Writing the President’s Defense Budget,” Center for Public Integrity, July 29, 2004, http://projects.publicintegrity.org/report.aspx?aid=363&sid=200.
40. “SAIC, which employs 44,000 people and took in $8 billion last year—sells brainpower, including a lot of the ‘expertise’ behind the Iraq war. . . . [SAIC is] a ‘stealth company’ with 9,000 government contracts, many of which involve secret intelligence work” (Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele, “Washington’s $8 Billion Shadow,” Vanity Fair, March 2007, http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/fea
41. Barlett and Steele, “Washington’s $8 Billion Shadow.”
42. Barlett and Steele, “Washington’s $8 Billion Shadow”: “Mark A. Boster left his job as a deputy assistant attorney general in 1999 to join SAIC, and was already calling Justice three months later on behalf of his new employers—a violation of federal law. Boster paid $30,000 in a civil settlement.” Yet another PIC for a while was Interop, combining former CIA director James Woolsey and former FBI director Louis Freeh with former Mossad chief Danny Yatom (Rozen, “From Kurdistan to K Street”).
43. Charlie Cray, “Science Applications International Corporation,” CorpWatch, http://www.corpwatch.org/section.php?id=17; cf. Barlett and Steele, “Washington’s $8 Billion Shadow.”
44. Barlett and Steele, “Washington’s $8 Billion Shadow.”
45. Fritz W. Ermarth, “Colin Powell’s Briefing to the Security Council: Brief Comments from an Ex-Intelligence Officer,” In the National Interest, http://inthenation
alinterest.com/Articles/Powell%27s%20UN%20Speech/Powell%27s%20UN%20speech%20ermarth.html. Ermarth’s remarks were also posted by Laurie Mylroie, “Fritz Ermarth, Iraq & Al Qaeda, In The National Interest,” February 5, 2003, http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg00040.html.
46. Anna Leander, “The Power to Construct International Security: On the Significance of Private Military Companies,” Millennium—Journal of International Studies 33 (2005): 803, emphasis added. At the time, the Observer reported from “sources in the Bush administration” an allegation that “members of the al-Qaeda network, detained and interrogated in Cairo, had obtained phials of anthrax in the Czech Republic” (“Iraq ‘behind US Anthrax Outbreaks,’” Observer, October 14, 2001, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2001/oct/14/terrorism.afghanistan6).
47. Chaim Kaufmann, “Threat Inflation and the Failure of the Marketplace of Ideas,” International Security, Summer 2004, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/interna
tional_security/v029/29.1kaufmann.html. Neither SAIC nor Diligence is mentioned in his essay.
48. Shorrock, Spies for Hire, 36–37.
49. Marilyn W. Thompson, “The Pursuit of Steven Hatfill,” Washington Post, September 14, 2003 (Hatfill-SAIC). At the time, Laurie Mylroie said on CNN that “it takes a highly sophisticated agency to produce anthrax in the lethal form. Not many parties can do that.” Saddam Hussein “continues his part of the war in the form of terrorism. It is unlikely that anthrax will remain in letters. It is likely that it will be used in the subway of a city, or in the ventilation system of a U.S. building. Saddam wants revenge against us. He wants to do to the U.S. what we’ve done to Iraq” (CNN, October 29, 2001, http://archives.cnn.com/2001/COMMUNITY/10/29/mylroie).
50. Glenn Greenwald, “Vital Unresolved Anthrax Questions and ABC News,” Salon, August 1, 2008, http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2008/08/01/
51. Cf. Time, November 26, 2001: “While Daschle, the Senate majority leader, could have been chosen as a representative of all Democrats or of the entire Senate, Leahy is a less obvious choice, most likely targeted for a specific reason. He is head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is involved in issues ranging from antitrust action to antiterror legislation” (emphasis added). See also Anthony York, “Why Daschle and Leahy?” Salon, November 21, 2001, http://dir.salon.com/story/politics/feature/2001/11/21/anthrax/index.html.
52. Shorrock, Spies for Hire, 344.
53. Julian Assange, “The Spy Who Billed Me Twice,” Wikileaks, http://wikileaks
.org/wiki/The_spy_who_billed_me_twice. The March 2009 army manual “US Army Concept of Operations for Police Intelligence Operations” contains phrases such as “It [fusion] does not have constraints that are emplaced on MI [military intelligence] activities within the US, because it operates under the auspice and oversight of the police discipline and standards.”
54. Phil Leggiere, “Napolitano Praises Fusion Centers,” HSToday, March 13, 2009, http://www.hstoday.us/content/view/7616/149.
55. Assange, “The Spy Who Billed Me Twice.”
56. “Cheney Firm Won $3.8bn Contracts from Government,” Observer, July 21, 2002, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2002/jul/21/globalisation.georgebush.
57. Novyi Region, November 27–30, 2006: English summary in “U.S. Companies Linked to Vice-President Cheney Supervised the Transfar of Ukrainian WMD to Iran,” Left.ru, http://www.left.ru/burtsev/ops/novyiregion.phtml.
58. PravdaInfo, September 2, 2005, http://www.pravda.info/news/3601.html.
59. Yuri Yasenev, “Rossiyu zhdet oranzhevaya revolytsiya” (“An Orange Revolution Is in Store for Russia”), compromat.ru, December 17, 2004,